It’s that time again…!!!!! TIME, for another Job Market Pulse UPDATE! In honor of CSM...
We had a special moment at CSM 2017 in San Antonio where we got to...
A while back, we stirred the pot a bit by asking on social channels: “Why...
Inspired by a Periscope broadcast during #APTACSM, I realized that basically every booth in the exhibit...
Attending the APTA’s Combined Sections Meeting (#APTACSM) last week made me look back, reflect, ruminate,...
Good Times, Great People California is an interesting place. It’s incredibly vast, yet...
Today, I’m pleased to present our first Fresh Perspective column piece. A piece on a...
A while ago, I shared my thoughts on new grad career paths for PTs, the...
@DrBenFung Is there a “Pre-#APTACSM To Do List” post in the works? First time going...