“Sports medicine is a subspecialty of orthopedics. To get a solid foundation in orthopedics is...
“Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” ― Henry Ford Typically...
“Fail often so you can succeed sooner.” —Tom Kelley, Ideo partner Starting a business is...
“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always...
7 seconds. What can you accomplish in 7 seconds? If you are marketing you better...
“We create happy customers”–Jerry Durham Let me ask you a question. How’s your day going?...
You don’t always need to have the best product in the market to win, but...
In case you haven’t noticed…its March. Yes, seriously. This may be hard to believe if...
Sometimes by talking about nothing you say a ton If you have been listening to the...
To know where you are going, you first have to know where you came from....
How do you define success? Can you honestly say you are unique from another clinic...
Just Because you are Hearing Does Not Mean you are Listening Improved Communication Results in Improved...
Are you comfortable prescribing exercise? Listen for the Insiders info. on exercise prescription! If you...
Women’s Health is an Important, Yet Not Well Known Field Lets Take A Look...
How to Fix Runners Running should be tough, not painful! Runners…A special breed of...
When a patient comes to see you, prior to putting your hands on them how...
Cervical spine dysfunction and pain is one of the most common reasons people go see...
Therapy Insiders welcome back Dr. Erson Religioso from popular blog www.themanualtherapist.com. In this episode, we...