Welcome to the 2021 Summer UpDate edition of the salary norms and trends report we like to call — The Job Market Pulse!
As a reminder:
- If you are looking for the RAW AND SORTED SPREADSHEET of job market data points, you can find them in the bottom link of the downloadable report for which you can sign up for below.
- The Pulse represents SALARY/CASH PAYOUT, only. Everything is normalized as a Per Annum Equivalent — please calculate for your circumstances based on the published information as well as the downloadable raw and sorted data sets. If you're interested in the employer quality aspect of the job market, please take a look at the: UpDoc’s Corporate Quality Index (CQI) report.
- There is an incredible breakdown of data and discussion in the Pulse Report, we highly encourage you peruse the sections to your interest and warmly welcome your feedback.
Representing All Roles In Healthcare:
Over the years, we've included many specialties within rehab therapy and healthcare at large. We welcome ALL HEALTHCARE DISCIPLINES to join this movement for wage transparency. Please consider welcoming your colleagues who serve as a:
- Physical Therapist
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- Occupational Therapist
- Occupational Therapist Assistant
- Speech Language Pathologist
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
- Recreational Therapist
- Rehab Aide/Tech/Support/Reception
- Physician
- Physician's Assistant
- Registered Nurse
- Nurse Practitioner
- Pharmacists
- Pharmacy Technician
- Respiratory Therapist
We'd love to be able to include as many dimensions to this ongoing report series as possible! #RepresentEveryone
Winners and Losers in 2021
Comparing data from 2020 and into 2021 thus far, we noted that the following professions experienced raises on average when it comes to pay:
- Physical Therapist
- Physical Therapist Resident
- Rehab Therapy Support Staff
All three of these received some type of pay raise when comparing the two time blocks.
Unfortunately, the following three took rather significant pay cuts:
- Occupational Therapist
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- Rehab Therapy Management Staff
We also noticed an encouraging trend of Physical Therapist Residents getting paid better; however, this is paired at the cost of Physical Therapists who have completed their residency getting paid notably below average, despite having finished post-graduate advanced training.

Negotiations Revisited
This edition also revisited negotiations as it pertains to the job market. Here are the results:
- The average raised amount at initial hire and/or talent retention is 6.5%.
- If a negotiation occurs, almost 87% of the proceedings go through and the offer is accepted.
- HOWEVER, if "no wiggle room" is offered or no reasons are discussed, 80% of proceedings will fall through and the offer will be rejected or the talent will be lost.
- Reciprocally, if even the intent of negotiation and reasons of how/why a rate can or cannot be changed is had — over 80% of those negotiations will result in offer accepted and/or talent retained.
Therefore, employers have an 80% better chance of acquiring and retaining talent by being transparent in negotiation proceedings.
Ready To Read The Report?
Please find the newest edition of the Job Market Pulse Report, free to download by using the form below to sign up to receive it. We encourage everyone interested in this series to whitelist "updocmedia.com" in your email inboxes so that you don't risk missing out on future updates.
Please submit the form below to receive the latest Pulse UpDate: