Author: Ben Fung, Chief Operating Officer
Hello Everyone! I’m very much pleased to share that the Fall 2018 UpDate of the Job Market Pulse is live with first release batches to be sent out at 8pm EST today (Friday 11/30/2018). For this edition the Pulse e-periodical, we’re comparing current trends to the Year 2 report. So, if you’ve ever wondered what normal pay is based on experience, sorted by setting, and as specific a zip code with experience factors — then the Pulse is what you’ve been looking for.
Oh, and quick note: While the Job Market Pulse remains one of the most up-to-date data sets on the job market, it’s still prudent to cross-reference with other sources. Each data set will have some type of sampling bias. Nevertheless, we’ve seen the Pulse do wonders for candidates looking to negotiate their position as well as employers looking to craft competitive compensation packages to attract top talent. The data is the data, and, information is information — it’s the difference between “knowledge, and… wisdom” [see Star Wars quote reference ?].
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