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Therapy Insiders
Therapy Insiders
Its not Personal, Just Business: How to Become a Successful Brand

How do you define success? Can you honestly say you are unique from another clinic or clinician?

Learn how your patients can become walking billboard for you and your clinic!

We as clinician are good at helping our patients improve their quality of life by reducing pain and restoring function. What we are not very good at is telling the world that we are good at doing those things. In particular, physical therapists, are even more guilty of being humble to a fault. Yes, I understand that constantly saying how good you are can be off putting. Trust me, I get it. No one likes that person, the one that knows everything and can fix your broken bones with their hands. But lets be realistic here, can you comfortably look someone in the eye and ask them to recommend you or your clinic to their friends, family or stranger they bump into at the mall? If not then you should listen to this podcast! Even if you can, listen anyway to get actionable advice for growing a social media presence, developing a brand and becoming a successful clinician or clinic.

And remember…it doesn’t matter how good you are if you can’t afford to keep the doors open!

Topics covered include but not limited to:

  1. Branding
  2. SEO
  3. Social media
  4. Referral generation suggestions
  5. Business development
  6. Marketing
