On this episode of Therapy Insiders podcast, we are joined by Dr. Jarod Carter to talk cash. No, to talk business. Well, cash physical therapy business to be exact. Dr. Carter has been one of the, if not THE guy pushing cash PT forward (along with Aaron LeBauer & Ann Wendel). If you are interested in the business aspect of physical therapy, especially cash based services, then you definitely need to listen!
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P.S…Dr. Jarod Carter actually wrote a book on this stuff.
About Dr. Carter from www.drjarodcarter.com
Hi and thanks for taking the time to explore DrJarodCarter.com
The purpose of this site and my eBook is simple …
To provide as much information as possible on the topic of Cash-based Physical Therapy. This will encompass a number of things including: all aspects of business logistics, all forms of marketing, and eventually it will include clinical-related information to help make you a more effective Physical Therapist. After all, if you don’t provide better and faster-than-average results, people will choose to stick with their insurance options.
With Insurance and Medicare reimbursements on the decline, many Insurance-based PT clinics are struggling to maintain profit margins along with quality care. I see Private-pay services as an important part of surviving the coming changes in the health care industry, as well as maintaining high quality treatment options for consumers. Practice owners will need answers to the these challenges and I hope to provide many of those answers here.
To make sure you don’t miss any important info, and especially the stuff I only send to my mailing list, enter your email below. You’ll also instantly be sent a free eBook excerpt: Cash-Based Physical Therapy and Medicare – a Comprehensive Guide.
Just to clarify, the term “Cash-based” seems to be the most commonly used to describe this type of PT business model. There are synonymous terms such as private-pay, self-pay, cash-pay, etc, and it certainly does not imply that cash is the only accepted form of payment.
In Spring 2010, I started Carter Physiotherapy, a fully Cash-based PT clinic where I provide an hour of one-on-one care in every treatment session. Via creative marketing and my reputation for giving fast results, my patient schedule was full within 6 months. Having worked in both Insurance-based and Self-pay practices before successfully starting my own practice, I have learned a great deal about how to market and run this unique type of Physical Therapy business.
With that said, every scenario is different and the methods that made my practice successful may not be effective for all practices. For this reason, I interview other Cash-pay Physical Therapy practice owners to gather as wide a variety of useful information as possible. Over time this site will become a larger and larger resource for anyone considering or already running a Cash-based PT practice. If you have a Cash practice, please let me know and share your knowledge and experiences with our colleagues!
A little more about me …
I attended The University of Texas where I was a Diver on the National Champion UT Swimming and Diving Team. After graduating with High Honors in Kinesiology, I attended The University of St. Augustine due to its reputation as a leader in Manual Therapy training. In 2005, I earned my Doctorate in Physical Therapy, and graduated Valedictorian of my class. Aside from acquiring the certification in Manual Therapy (MTC), I earned one for Strength and Conditioning (CSCS) though to be honest I didn’t feel it was worth the ongoing cost to maintain it, so I let it go.
When I’m not running my practice or working on this site/eBook, I try to enjoy the exciting things that Austin, TX has to offer and I love to travel as well. I have wonderful friends and an amazing wife who keep me from working too much, and for this I’m very grateful. My family is a little spread out with my mother’s side in the US and my father’s side in Australia. I have a brother in Berlin and a brother in Nashville (who is also a Physical Therapist). Though I’m currently far from the ocean, I absolutely love surfing and just about anything to do with water sports. Life is good and I’m a lucky man.