What areas must we focus on and how must we adjust our lens given the doom & gloom of reimbursement trends? With PTs feeling undervalued and PTAs feeling displaced by the shifts in payer patterns... there is one focus point we can regroup upon.
Clinician > Clinic.
The focus must shift from losing less to winning more.
Healthcare continues to expand and grow. The physical therapy industry is expected to grow significantly over the next decade; and, it's already over $40 billion industry.
The opportunities are there, and will be there. So, what are they? Seemingly all we hear about is the problems and the threats. Where is the disconnect? On this episode, we go over some opportunities we see now and upcoming for physical therapists.
Need to catch up on opening episodes of this most recent series in Corporate Quality Podcast?
- Begin with: Episode 4: The Great Resignation.
Then, explore the dialogue surrounding: Episode 5: The Burnout Syndrome: Diagnosis and Treatment
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