We are back with this next edition of the Practice Management Report, focusing on survey questions sent out to practice managers reflecting on their 2021 and what they look forward to in 2022.
Too often, we receive much feedback from the workforce at large; however, it can be difficult for those sitting in the roles of management and decision makers to voice their thoughts openly. This report series opens up a channel for these voices to be heard.
It’s also worth noting that this is the first of four industry reports we will be releasing in short order, and is meant as a brief introduction of sorts to the coming releases as the 2022 calendar year continues to develop.
Let's dive into a few highlights of the report!
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Going Into 2022 and Beyond

There seems to be a general feel of positivity moving into this year. Yes, there are a lot of challenges ahead. Reimbursement isn’t going to get any higher, the workforce is tired, management knows they need to reconnect in a meaningful way, and patients need to be done right by at an industry wide level.
There are a lot of details we dive into in this section of the report which will be particularly interesting to fellow practice managers in seeing what commonalities are shared and where the opportunities lie.
Workforce Development: Burnout, Turnover, Retainment, and Recruitment

For those the Great Resignation is a challenge for — it is a terrible challenge to wade through. For those that it doesn’t seem such a problem, preparation is best taken for the inevitable phases of the career lifecycle as it applies to your organization. Recruiting typically isn’t a problem until it is — once it is, it gets pretty ugly and fast.
Other Report Highlights:
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats moving into 2022.
The Greatest Challenge of 2022.
The Great Resignation and Workforce Dynamics
Upcoming reports include the Talent Acquisition Report, Job Market Pulse, and Corporate Quality Index.
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