What is the Payer Info Pool Report?
The Payer Info Pool began as the Practice Manager’s edition of the Job Market Pulse — an open source data pool for anonymous entries on what “normal” revenue generation, reimbursement, utilization, etc. might be considering a general market mix of payer reimbursements. But, before we get too far down the road… let’s talk about what this report is and isn’t.
This report *IS NOT* a gold standard representation.
Particularly as a Summer survey in this disruptive year that is 2020 — it should be seen as a reference point and snapshot in time.
The Payer Info Pool *IS* a qualified representation of your colleagues in practice management.
The respondents to this survey were a mixture of practice managers, owners/partners, and decision makers within Physical Therapy and Rehab Therapy at large. The biggest change this year included identification of operational context as well as asking for input regarding the Marketplace of Payers.
The Marketplace of Payers
Who pays well? Who doesn’t? What is considered good reimbursement? What is ideal? What is awful? And, what can be done? These are the newer questions we are addressing with this Summer 2020 edition of this report series.
Are You Ready To See The Report?
To download this 2020 report, please sign up using the form below!