Especially in healthcare, there’s always this temptation to try and make everyone happy. However, this...
So… due to a Facebook LIVE broadcast gone cray cray — titled: “Why Physical Therapists...
Tags #BizPT, #DPTstudent, #FreshPT, #PTAstudent, business, Career, healthcare, management, Physical Therapy, salary
This one, is a constant. We’re always wondering what is “normal” in the job market....
In the last several weeks or so, I’ve noticed an increasing motif in social media...
With so many clinical companies (from 100+ clinic enterprises to single mom-and-pop-shop), all drifting (some...
Are you looking for a group of like-minded, growth oriented physical therapy professions who want...
Snapchat opened their IPO, yesterday, with a boost in 44%. For those who haven’t at...
We had a special moment at CSM 2017 in San Antonio where we got to...
Last year, APTA’s Combined Sections Meeting was a ton of fun. We shared our Pre-Flight...
I love hashtags. I really love hashtags. I love them, because they can be a...