…….Welcome to Episode 2 of Healthcare DisruPTion…….
This episode is the first of many interviews that we are going to be presenting here at Healthcare DisruPTion. It is our goal to broaden the minds of those IN healthcare with knowledge, information and stories from those OUTSIDE Healthcare. Yes, there will be the periodic healthcare person…BUT dont hold that against us!
Interview #1 is with Jeremiah Sarkett. I met Jeremiah earlier this year listening to him talk about a “Selling To Serve” model. Yes, Jeremiah is an awesome salesman. I immediately fell in love with his “Selling To Serve” approach seeing that it was immensely applicable to business owners in healthcare. The conversation then continued as he showed how the approach would work as well for providers building relationships with their patients! Enjoy the conversation as Jeremiah dives deeper into “Selling To Serve”