And, based on the some what recent (and, rather popular) post “Productivity vs Production,” I can only imagine that thematic elements of this productivity problem still exist. After all, it hasn’t been that long ago.
Here’s the thing.
While productivity is a problem. It is NOT a problem for every single clinic or company. In fact, there are many companies now changing their ways… getting away from measuring units per hour, daily quota, or percentile of the day… shifting into total value added. This is an important consideration as productivity is a KEY point of focus for millennial DPTs.
In fact, extreme/insane/unreasonable productivity standards (both as a number, and, as a company culture of “being a mill”) was identified as the #1 DEAL BREAKER for new grad DPTs in the 2016 DPT Talent Acquisition Report.
So… what’s the beef?
Problem lies here: The current model for many physical therapy companies regarding productivity is conceptually negative, with very little incentive to do more. As it stands across the industry, the current and most prevalent mindset for productivity has less to do with achievement and more to do with fulfillment.
It’s more about fulfilling a quota, rather than incentivizing the achievement of intentional excellence.
After all… once you reach a quota, why do any more work at all?
How do we solve such an issue? How can we do productivity right??? Find out ONLY via the UpDoc Media Newsletter, with our solution to be released THIS Friday the 13th 😉