Have you heard of blood flow restriction training?
No? Ok, you’re in the right place. Is it the next “big thing” in musculoskeletal rehabilitation and physical therapy?
You had a ton of questions for Johnny Owens, our guest and leading blood flow restriction training expert. This is not Johnny’s first go round on Therapy Insiders podcast. If you tuned in last year (here) you heard Johnny break down a lot of the science and research of blood flow restriction training.
On this episode Johnny answers all your questions….seriously. Every question we received, got an answer (even a few beef brisket how-to’s).
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About Johnny from: http://www.owensrecoveryscience.com/about/
Owens is former Chief of Human Performance Optimization at the Center for the Intrepid (CFI), which is part of the SAMMC–Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation (DOR). Johnny was at SAMMC for 10 years, treating service members suffering severe musculoskeletal trauma. His successes included the application of regenerative medicine for volumetric soft tissue loss and Return to Run Clinical Pathway, an internationally recognized rehabilitation program designed to combat delayed amputations and compliment a dynamic exoskeleton, the IDEO. He took part in numerous multi-center research projects involving regenerative medicine, sports medicine and rehabilitation of the combat casualty.
Johnny Owens has been applying Blood Flow Restriction Training clinically since 2012 and credits the modality with significant strength recovery in more than 300 patients.
Owens has been published extensively in the peer-reviewed literature and his work has been featured on 60 Minutes, Time magazine, NPR, Discovery Channel and ESPN.
The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Master’s degree, Physical Therapy/Therapist
The University of Texas at Austin
Undergraduate Study, Biology