“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.”
― Albert Einstein
In this episode of Therapy Insiders podcast, we are joined by Dr. Aaron LeBauer to discuss the ins and outs of cash based physical therapy practice. If you are interested in starting your own practice with a cash based approach or if you want to hear what it takes to create true value for your customers– then you definitely want to tune in!
If you are interested in developing your cash PT skills, you are in luck! As a special bonus for Therapy Insider listeners Dr. LeBauer is offering 10% off his online training program www.CashPTBlueprint.com! Use Discount Code: TherapyInsiders
This episode of Therapy Insiders is sponsored by WebPT: The ultimate EMR for physical therapists. Want to know why they are the ultimate? Check them out at WebPT.com/podcast and find out for yourself (seriously its more fun that way). Want a free demo? Of course you do! Give them a call at 866-221-1870!
About Dr. LeBauer (from http://lebauerconsulting.com/the-anatomy-of-a-physical-therapy-cash-practice)
Cash-Based Physical Therapy in Practice
Hello. Welcome to my new website and blog dedicated to building, growing and starting a 100% Physical Therapy Cash Based Practice. My name is Dr. Aaron LeBauer and I am a physical therapist in Greensboro, NC. I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist and Myofascial Release specialist. I have had a 100% cash practice since the day I graduated from PT school in 2008. All of my professors and any other physical therapist I told about my plan simply looked at me like I was crazy, or with disbelief. I had owned my own massage therapy practice for 10 years, specializing in chronic pain and injuries prior to entering PT school, so the transition was a bit different than starting from scratch, but I definitely faced some unforeseen challenges in my new role as a physical therapist.
– See more at: http://lebauerconsulting.com/the-anatomy-of-a-physical-therapy-cash-practice/#sthash.oBGiWdms.dpuf