First off, the team at UpDoc Media wanted to extend our warmest and most appreciative THANK YOU — to all of you who participated in this 2018 talent survey. As always, we like to deliver what can be helpful across the industry in hope we can forge a better future together. This time, we’re tackling one of the most costly business expenses that DOES NOT HAVE TO BE — Talent Acquisition and it’s evil twin: Turnover.
This report is delineated by two primary voices: (1) the prospect, and, (2) the hiring manager.
As such, we now have updated information on what talent is looking for, what management seeks to find in a candidate, what elements of the compensation package are most important to prospective candidates, and, what specific deal makers as well as deal breakers exist in the present job market.
Soooooo! Without further ado…. please find the report freely downloadable via the sign up, BELOW ↴